Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Interview with Artists I Admire: Kathy Jeffords of thedreamygiraffe

I was first drawn to Kathy's art a while back, and I'm so happy now is the time I actually get to interview her! Her art makes you realize what true artists should be trying to do, no matter if they are writers, musicians or painters. True artists are those who see the good things in life and manage to instill hope in the always troubled human soul.

Tell us a few things about yourself.

My name is Kathy Jeffords and you can either call me Kathy or KJ...I'll answer to either. I'm 34 years old and until I was about 27, I was convinced I was going to be a writer for a living when I grew up. Until that point, I never imagined any other career for myself. These days, I'm still telling stories...but mostly with paint. Sometimes life takes us places we didn't intend to go...but they are definitely places we were meant to go.

What are the colors you prefer to work with?

BRIGHT COLORS! I am often in awe when I see gorgeous art done with a limited color palette or in muted, subdued tones...but that's just not something I can do. My art is naturally bright and colorful and I've learned not to fight it. 

What are the major influences on your work?

I'd say that, as odd as it sounds, the bad stuff, the sad stuff, the harsh realities of the world really influences my work. We get enough reasons to be depressed on the evening news...I want to put good stuff out there. When I first started out all of my girls had "slightly sad" eyes because I was in a slightly sad place. But I realized: Just because I was going through a sad time, didn't mean I had to stay there in my art. My art could be ANYTHING. All we can each do is our own part -- and I want my contributions to be positive, happy...maybe even silly, but if I can put one smile on one face with something I created...that's so fabulous and humbling. I think deep inside of me, there's a little girl that, despite how tough life can be, still believes in fairy tales. I'm just doing what I can to help others believe, too.

Favorite themes and things that inspire you.

Fairy tales and fairies, superheroes and mermaids, ballerinas and pirates, little girls with big dreams.

Any plans for the future?

I keep saying that this year, 2011, is a Year of Transformations for me and my business, so, yes, I have LOTS of plans. This is actually the first year I've had a plan written out, and so far, so good. I plan to not only have new work more frequently but to also expand into having my art available in different formats other than just prints and originals, slowly rolling out new things month by month. So far I've added three different packs of postcards, framed prints, and larger prints. I also have a locket collaboration with fellow Etsy seller Polarity. I'm documenting the ups and downs and my progress at my new blog, Five or Six Kathys, at www.kathyjeffords.com 

I hope you enjoyed this lovely mini interview. You can see much more art in Kathy's Etsy shop, thedreamygiraffe.


  1. How beautiful and pretty! Love Eva

  2. Really interesting interview! I love Kathy's work and I wish the best for her :)
