Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Introducing the Amoronia Initial Letter Necklace

This must be the cutest personalized gift I can think of, for all occasions!

Notice the Greek letter, equivalent of the English 'X', in the necklace I made for a girl named Xenia. You could always ask for Latin characters, but a necklace with the initial in Greek would be so fun!


  1. Καλή Χρονιά...πολύ όμορφο...πάντα όμως μας δίνεις πολύ κομψές προτάσεις!!!

  2. Μάγκυ μου και Σοφάκι σας ευχαριστώ πολύ! Έχω χαθεί, το ξέρω, το παλεύω όμως... Σας φιλώ!
